Category: Australian
2019 Australian Budget Update – Singapore – Wine and Cheese Night
12 March, 2019
What does the 2019 Budget mean for Australian Expatriates in Singapore? Budget 2019-20 will be released at approximately 7.30pm (AEST) on Tuesday 2 April 2019, as the Treasurer commences his second reading speech. Free Attendance Seminar Date: Thursday 4th April 2019 Wine Tasting: 6:00 pm Budget Update: 6:30 pm Address: 78 … Continue reading “2019 Australian Budget Update – Singapore – Wine and Cheese Night”

Singapore | Australian Financial Services
9 October, 2018
Australian Living in Singapore? In need of the following financial services? Australian Tax Return Australian Mortgage Savings and Investment Advice Health and Life Insurance Advice Meet the team dedicated to raising the standards of Australian Financial Services in Singapore: Left – David Moss – Australian Mortgage Adviser – David and Partners David & Partners, Australian … Continue reading “Singapore | Australian Financial Services”

Should Australian Expatriates pay off their Australian Home Loans or Invest?
2 October, 2018
Most Australians, like our parents are set on paying off our Investment Home Loans as soon as possible. The problem however is that in some cases paying off our home loans or owning our properties outright whilst living offshore may not be the best thing for us from a financial perspective. The purpose of the … Continue reading “Should Australian Expatriates pay off their Australian Home Loans or Invest?”

Australian Expatriates turn away from Australian Property
30 June, 2018
Like most Australians in Singapore I am a very property minded investor. There is just something secure and trusting about Australian property and it is because of these reasons that it has been extremely hard for myself and thousands of other Australian Expatriates to accept that investing in Australian property whilst living abroad may no … Continue reading “Australian Expatriates turn away from Australian Property”

Free Financial Guide for Australian Expats Living in Singapore
9 May, 2018
Understand the Tax and Financial Implications of being an Australian Expatriate living in Singapore. Complete the form to receive your free guide

Australian Expatriates Turn to Offshore Investment Bonds
9 May, 2018
The Perfect Savings and Investment Vehicle for Australian Expatriates living in Singapore With the changes in tax treatment for Foreign Investors it is no wonder why Australian Expatriates are seeking alternative ways to invest their savings offshore rather than sending their money home. Pay your mortgage off and you will face a 32.5% income tax on … Continue reading “Australian Expatriates Turn to Offshore Investment Bonds”

Top 5 Taxes that affect Australian Expatriates in Singapore
9 May, 2018
1. Individual Income Tax Rates for Foreign Residents / Australian Expatriates Unlike our friends and family back home Australian Expatriates that are considered non-residents for tax purposes will pay 32.5c from the first dollar. If you have a surplus rental income in Australia it may make sense for you to take a negative or neutral … Continue reading “Top 5 Taxes that affect Australian Expatriates in Singapore”