2019 Australian Budget Update – Singapore – Wine and Cheese Night
12 March, 2019

What does the 2019 Budget mean for Australian Expatriates in Singapore?
Budget 2019-20 will be released at approximately 7.30pm (AEST) on Tuesday 2 April 2019, as the Treasurer commences his second reading speech.
Free Attendance
Seminar Date: Thursday 4th April 2019
Wine Tasting: 6:00 pm
Budget Update: 6:30 pm
Address: 78 Shenton Way Singapore (Parking at The M Hotel)
Speaker: John Murphy – Managing Partner at Connole Carlisle Chartered Accountants
John is a dual registered chartered accountant, holding a fellowship with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the designation of CA (Singapore), held through Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants

Speaker 2: Sean Abreu – Senior Australian Specialist at IPP Financial Advisers
Originally from Perth W.A, Sean has spent the last 11 years of his life dedicated to increasing the standards of Financial Planning services for Australian Expatriates. Sean majored in Economics and Financial Planning and also holds his Australian Advanced Diploma of Financial Services.

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